Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Crazy From The Heat (with apologies to David Lee Roth)

On the weekend, I had the thrills and chills (and sunburns) of shooting my first short.

The absolute best part was when one of my actors started eating this meal and I was set up for the shot, and got the shot, but he just kept eating, and eating and he was eating so well, you know, it was such brilliant eating that I just kept rolling and grabbed the camera off the tripod and just kept shooting and he kept eating and I kept rolling and it was like, you know, so kind of cheesy, so cliched student film, but I tell you, he ate the hell out of that meal.

Also: there is some sort of AA meeting place on Catalina and West Adams. I drove past it the other night and it was alight with fluorescent glow and astroturf and evangelical amplified voices and folding chairs and believers. The sign says "Sobriedad" and the doors are like shutters, like half-way-up-the-doorway swinging doors with wooden slats, like, well, like saloon doors really, and isn't this part of the problem?

On Sunday I'm going to buy a bag of cherries and ride my bike down to the Zemeckis building across the street from the Shrine Theatre and watch Susan Lucci walk the red carpet, wanna come?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

--> You should pop in with a camera or just drop by the AA meetings. Think of _Infinite Jest_ or the opening to _Fight Club_. The meetings are brilliant. tV