So there's this thing Oprah does where she has someone come in with, you know, life barriers, and then she changes something and then the shows about how all their problems went away as a result. Euphoric, right? I've never actually seen this kind of Oprah show, but I've heard it enacted many times by Janey (especially the show about the girl with the "unruly cowlick") to feel like I'm well-aquainted to the format.
While doing a massive pile of laundry today, I was thinking of this particular concept, the Change-One-Thing-Change-Your-Life thing, and people I know who have introduced me to One Thing that has Changed My Life.
Here we go:
Sarah- If you want to laugh in a movie theatre, go ahead and laugh. Loudly.
Jeremy- You don't have justify your existence to people who want to "know what you're up to" as long as you lie credibly.
Steve- How to spell "together".
Gill- You can wear the same clothes for four days running and your inherent sexiness will still speak for itself.
Genevieve- Mini Pearl.
Doretta- Drip dry it. All of it. And cute shoes are important.
Janey- It is possible to be so intellectually intimidating that everyone knows you but is afraid to talk to you and to simultaneously be very interested in recipies. Also, ironing.
Mom- The sleeve trick. And that it's all going to be okay.
Dad- If you want to win at Hearts, you have to be brave and go for control.
Katie- Draw on your clothes.
Angelo- All you need is a little down light, maybe a little fill...
Jordan- You can sing in the car even if someone else is there.
The BC Ferry Corporation- Money is a poor substitute for quality of life.
Trajan- Your life is right now.
The Nation of Japan- The rules are not necessarily made for your benefit, so you better figure out what you need and do what you have to do to get it.
Tobias- Being kind of an asshole is just fine. In fact, it's kind of great sometimes.
Dr. Kealy- Having your own ideas is more important than synthesizing the ideas of others.
Michael- Figure out how you want to do it and do it that way.