Thursday, March 01, 2007

Movin' On Up

Although my conscious brain won't acknowledge it, it's entirely possible that I've decided to move because my fridge won't stop making a weird ongoing noise. This is mostly relevant because my fridge sits more or less right next to the door to my room which is right next to my desk, which is where I sit when I'm trying to have ideas or otherwise get my life organised into some kind of palpable shape.

I do love my apartment, but it's small, so small, and where I am moving will be so much bigger and will also, yes, have a dining room and the thought of sitting at a dining room table to do work is deeply exciting. Also a parking spot. Wow, a parking spot. I could come home at 3 in the morning with a bunch of stuff to unload and it would be FINE. Imagine that.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

Dude! The fridge noise!
Katie and I had this old green thing that would occasionally start buzzing angrily, like some huge mutant space-bee. It woke me from a dead sleep several times. Ever read "The Mangler" by Stephen King? Well don't, leastways until you get into your new spot.

As for the parking spot, get used to coming home and finding some fokker parked in your spot. Suggestion: have a derelict mazda always taking up your spot (it's what I do). Yes you won't be able to park there, but neither will anyone else.