Saturday, March 08, 2008

Mystery Train (of Events)

A couple of weeks ago whilst waiting on the sidewalk for brunch, this car parked down the way and Jim Jarmusch got out. Except it wasn't Jim Jarmusch, it was a guy who looked exactly like him. How is this an accident? If you are the kind of dude who wears black, skinny cowboy jeans, somewhat imposing boots, an ancient black t-shirt and is pale as Scotsman with your white hair sticking up from your head in dramatic scoops and twists, how have you not heard of Jim Jarmusch? And having heard of him, how do you not realize that you look exactly like him? You probably go to the same parties, and whoops, that's awkward.

It's like having the same name as a famous person or character. For serious, at one point I had a plan of naming a character William Blake except he's never heard of William Blake.

And then I saw DEAD MAN.

Don't you love circles?

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