Friday, January 07, 2005


I write this as I wait for the iron to heat up so I can iron my many suitcase-wrinkled shirts. Yes, folks, I'm back in the land of L.A.

It has been utterly shocking to me how happy I am to be back here. I'm almost bashful about it. Who would have thought that this city would have wormed its way into me like this so soon. Maybe this is still the honeymoon period and I'll hate it soon enough. Anyway, a lot of what I like about this town is liking who I am when I'm here: studious, movie-shooting, freeway-freewheeling, cute-little-non-rainproof-jacket-wearing, friend of many cool people. It's not that I don't like who I am when I'm in Vancouver, it's just that being in Vancouver forces me to contend with various earlier versions of myself, few of whom I like as much as I like myself right now.

In short, it was completely soul-satiating to go home and see everyone and remember where I come from, but back here, I feel better and stronger than ever.

Even though it's raining like stink.
Even though until a few hours ago there was no heat in my house (but now there is).
Even though my hope for finishing the term clings to finding some on-campus work.
Even though while finally watching Blade Runner for the first time in the library today the dialogue track was really low and I think I missed a number of major plot points.

Thank you, and goodnight.
(PS, The title refers to the final score of the Junior Hockey finals, don't you know.)


Editorial said...

Swell to hear that you're doing well.

It snowed after you left. You're lucky to be gone.

Anonymous said...

Robyn - I, too, was more happy than I expected to come back to LA, but mostly cause I'm ready to hang out with awesome people who aren't my parents again (my parents are awesome people, but 18 days is pushing it). Welcome back! And I'll see you soon....
