Sunday, December 05, 2004

Pining for the Fjords

So the other day I was washing some cutlery and I managed to give myself a big horrible cut on the inside of my finger. It's pretty ghastly. It bled a lot and I had to sit with my hand above my heart for a fairly long time before I even went to bandage it (a whole bunch of gauze and some bright yellow gaffer tape because I don't have any medical tape). Y'all are lucky I don't have a digital camera (and have not yet figured out how to upload photos).

The best thing about this is that I'd go and get stitches if this happened in Canada. As it is, I can't afford the deductible, so I'll just have a scar to remind me of the importance of universal health care.

Luckily, I have a heavily annotated BC Health Guide to assure me that a scar is the worst that's going to happen with it. Thanks Gordon Campbell!

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