Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Too Much Hotness

Things about hot weather in Los Angeles:

1) Causes insanity. Or the feeling of burgeoning insanity,
2) Causes me to be unable to eat or sleep (see #1),
3) Causes me to wish I was at work all the time, because it's very air-conditioned at all 4 of my jobs, especially the subterranean film vault job (see #1),
4) Just thinking about going for a run makes my legs buckle (see #1),
5) My feet are constantly filthy. From flip-flops? Does anyone else have this problem (see #1), and
6) It's fun:
a) people have barbeques,
b) you can throw water balloons at people and that can count as doing them a favour,
c) having all the windows in the house open all the time makes me feel more part of the neighbourhood,
d) going to watch movies feels doubly justified because of the dual escape of storytime and a/c,
e) you can drive with all the windows down wearing sunglasses and blaring music on the freeway, and
f) you can subsist on sugar water.

1 comment:

Editorial said...

My feet are always really dirty in New York from flip flops. It just can't be helped. I like to clean them off with baby wipes, but the dirt always comes back. The weird thing is slightly more expensive sandals equals to less dirt on feet. Go figure.