Monday, November 06, 2006

Daily Progress Report

FOUND POSTER. Rolled up inside another, less desirable poster. How clever of me, foiling any would-be thieves of Emily Carr landscapes.

Putting that thing into its long-awaited frame was about the only thing my hungover head could deal with yesterday. My list of accomplishments are as follows: wake up and decide it would be better to stay exactly where I am. Wake up again. Have a shower. Pick out some clothes (clean ones). Put them on. Cook up some eggs and protein, drink some water, eat a multivitamin. Sit on the couch. Go for a walk to maybe buy milk. Don't buy milk but consider buying a small 99cent pot of ivy. Don't buy the ivy, take pictures of the sunset with phone. Walk past the children's shoestore next to the gelato place where a coven of kiddies are screaming and running in circles. Feel so happy to be childless. Make it home. Do laundry. Expose self to small doses of looking at a screen. Fret about how much work am unable to do in current state. Drink more water. Frame poster and feel joyous. Plan to go to bed at nine. Plan to eat a meal full of wellness-providing vegetables. Take all vegetables out of fridge, look at them on the counter, and realise can't reasonably fit all of them into one recipie. Put some away, cut up others, steam some. Talk to brother on phone. Talk to mother on phone. Look at clock and realise that proper-schedule plan requires going to bed NOW. Realise feel right as rain and ready to get some work done. Go to bed.

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