Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Short Ends

Still can't find poster.

Winter creeps in on little cat feet in LA, scared away if you look too closely at it or ask for it too insistently. It's getting cold at night, and sweaters and scarves are merited not just by USC's ferocious air-conditioning, but by the atmospheric situation as well. When I make enough money to buy stuff before it goes on sale I will have so many weird-cute jackets.

Marie Antionette: NG. Read the article on M.A. (the person) in Vogue. So much more entertaining than the splendid-looking movie. All I remember from the movie is them watching the sun rise. But the article talks about how MA's hair turned completely white during the carriage ride away from Versailles. And how she stepped up politically as best she could when Louis stopped talking for ten days and how they were executed and when exhumed they found only a skull, a handful of bones and a pair of garters. I want to see that story.

I've started to wear my mouth guard again because I fear that the things that weigh on my brain during the day weigh on my teeth at night and soon I will grind them down into little stumps. It feels like putting my mouth in a snug embrace for the night. At least it's still in when I wake up. When I first started wearing it, I'd find it on the other side of the bedroom in the morning. Presumably because I took it out and threw it there in the middle of the night. At least I don't wake up with earplugs in my mouth like some people I could name.

Soft lovely light in the living room makes all the difference.

New tactic for writing: get really sleepy and lie in bed and make notes and notes on notes and new ideas and keep going until you pass out. At least later you'll have some kind of wavery strange path to follow in the dark night of the soul known as the day before writing class.

How you can you run a school where getting into the gateway class to graduating is a free-for-all monitored by no one? I can't take the class I need to graduate because the only section I can take is full. The other section has a conflict with another class I'm supposed to take to graduate. Whither sense?

1 comment:

Editorial said...

Is a gateway class like a gateway drug?

I like that you reference me at least once a month on your blog. Anyhow, I hope your teeth are not stumpy and that you find your poster.