Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Open Letter to Brendan

Dear Brendan,

I finally saw Hot Fuzz a couple of days ago. I can see why you liked it so much. I liked it very much. Plus the main guy looks a little like you and I dare say is a little like you as well. The movie is splendidly crafted storytelling, which is always pleasurable. Most importantly, it attacks genres that have become worn and flips them inside out so they are fun again. It's a kind of writing that makes me think my English degree is worthwhile. Truly a movie that addresses the intelligence and film literacy of its audience and shares joke after joke after joke with them based on that literacy. I also like how they've identified a number of genres as being part of the same continuum (instead of discreetly pigeon-holing them), rather like Jack Black's elaborate flow chart of rock in School of Rock.

Also, swans are funny.

Today I read in Variety that Spielberg and Peter Jackson are working on a motion-capture version of Tintin for a series of three movies. So: animated but only in the same sense that Gollum was animated, otherwise they want him to look like a real guy. But a Herge guy. Crazy.

Your friend,


Brendan said...

I'm glad you liked it.

On a side note, I have never jumped through the air while firing two guns....yet...

I heard about that motion-capture Tintin. Not exactly overcome with excitement on that front, but I suppose it depends what it looks like.

Anonymous said...

+ too bad Spielberg is involved. He's way too commercial these days. Jackson's King Kong was brilliant -- it broke all the rules and outdid Hollywood at its own game. Spielberg is a f*cking wash-out. He's only good when he does his "serious" films and should stop making his techie-kid flicks. Discuss.