Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Through the Looking Glass (Wonderland II)

Despite the best efforts of that fiery ball of burning hotness, I did, in fact, make it to LA (thank you for sanity, music skills, calmness, conversation and taking the wheel, Mr. Jeremy).

I even moved and everything (no thanks: sun, thanks again: Jeremy). The best part about having Jeremy in town, besides him helping me carry stuff and me actually knowing a thing or two interesting to do in LA, was running into a celebrity on our second day in town. That's right, the hope you have for every visitor who comes to hang out is that you will see someone famous that matters to them. Well thank you 3rd and La Brea Trader Joe's. I'd never seen anyone more interesting there than the Hollywood Hills hoochies who get dressed up to grocery shop. But now, now I understand why they spend so much time in the freezer section wearing little else than a bra and a net poncho. Famous people!

Speaking of which, whilst attending a screening of 2046 at the Nuart with Mr.Golightly, Mr.Chung, Mr.Lane, and their associates, Mr. DeVito and Ms. Pearlman and family sat two rows ahead of us. During the trailers someone came and squatted next to the man's seat and talked to him for a while. Let's all hope it was someone he knew and not someone pitching. During trailers, no less!

Also, my new living space is very cute. I can take showers and watch the sunset at the same time.

Also, I got towed last week. Welcome to LA!

Also, I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow. You think this is a lie, but it is true.

Also, the La Brea Tar Pits are a George Saunders paradise of anamotronic beast action. In particular, the sabre tooth cat ("It's not a tiger!") attacking the sloth. Laughs, laughs and more laughs. And the whole thing stinks like tar.

That's all for now.

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