Monday, January 09, 2006

From the Desk Of

Today I spent a good part of the day relabeling the spines of binders at work. It was a day of doing what I really truly love to do: decide on fonts, font sizes, an overall design scheme, paper colour, and then, best of all, coordinating tape colour (if all you office-supply-philes haven't gotten yourselves down to film expendables stores yet and purchased coloured tape in various widths, what the hell are you waiting for?).

There were binders series, you see, that each demanded their own colour scheme. Even while the font and design showed that these series are part of an overall grouping. So the "Producing" series got the pale yellow paper and shit-hot red tape treatment, the "Jobs" series got the seriously punk hot pink paper and black tape treatment. So, so satisfying.

I got a haircut last week and haircutter Alicia and I spent the entire time talking about people we knew in high school and office supplies. It was a delightful conversation. She yearned for an inbox.

Stationery is great. School starts tomorrow.

Also, my kitchen is now very clean. Even the fridge and the grout on the counter.

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