Saturday, February 12, 2005

The Millstone Blues

I didn't write my scipt this way intentionally, but my 508 film is turning out to have one of the lowest budgets in the class. I have one location that is within a half hour drive of where I live. I have the use of it for free. I have one actor and a pretty small crew. My main costs have been feeding everyone, renting one prop radio (at a 50% student discount) and, well, flour and yeast.

Yes, the movie is about making bread. Start to finish: making bread. I made bread for the first time at Marina and Wesley's. Even though I screwed up by not putting enough yeast in, it was very good and I felt altogether chuffed about my bread-making abilities. I made bread a second time with my actor the week after that. That bread turned out disgusting: pale, surly, and hard as a rock. Then, during last weekend's shoot we made bread again. Then I made bread on Thursday night to use yesterday. Then yesterday, during shooting, we made bread again. The plan tomorrow is to, yes, make some more bread.

All this yeast and flour is cost-effective, but I am so goddamned sick of it. The beery stank of the yeast, the way it foams over the top of the glass. All that flour, on your t-shirt, jeans, all over the floor, ganging up with water and fusing itself to everything it touches.

It could be worse, though. I could be making a movie about meringue. That would really suck. Eggs are expensive.

1 comment:

JEB said...

Not many know this tidbit, but no less than Geo. Lucas himself once made a student film entitled "Teach Your Grandmother to Suck Eggs, How to". The budget was astronomical for the very reasons you've hit upon, Ms. M! Lucas had to shave his then scrawny beard in a beard-off fundraiser doo-hickey; the results can be seen on a Phantom Menace easter egg. Oh eggs, they're everywhere, especially China.