Wednesday, May 11, 2005




Ready to go.

Found a lot of stuff I didn't know were in my room while packing. Mostly feathers from my bedding and lots and lots of dust. Too bad there's no vaccuum in this house that works (i.e., doesn't light itself on fire when you turn it on).

It's so strange that the year is over now. I didn't have any kind of mental projection for this stage in the process.

I feel sad about it.

But I'll have three days of driving to mull it over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Robyn,

If it is any consolation - feel exactly the same. What am I supposed to do with myself now?

At least you have to drive and meet friends and.... what will those of us staying back here do???

Maybe I'll drive out to school from intertia, and take it from there :-)