Monday, October 24, 2005

Nice Skin... Terrible Movie

One of the incidentals I like most about the crew experience is how when you get further into the jungle of production everyone's skin goes to shit. Seeing the dark eye circles and developing zits of my fellow crew members makes me feel better about my own set. On Saturday it was pointed out to me that my eye sockets had sections of skin that were blue like pool cue chalk. It is when I see my peers staggering around Lucas looking like death that I really know they are doing a great job.


Editorial said...

So is it a compliment around the film school to say things like, "Gee, you look tired." Or, "Are you sick?" Those are the perennial You-Look-Like-Shit indicators.

robyn said...

It's not so much a compliment, but you can say the same thing by saying: "Oh, you have sound lock tomorrow, don't you" or "How was the shoot this weekend?"