Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Tears for Nerds

An exchange from work Monday:

Me: (sitting, listening to the Mad World cover from Donnie Darko)

Angry Nerd: This a good song, have you heard the original version?

Me: Yup. I've actually got the tape in my car.

Angry Nerd: You have an original copy of The Hurting?

Me: Uh, no, I've got the one with the sun on the cover.

Angry Nerd: Oh. The complilation.

(Angry Nerd leaves)

I really feel like I let the guy down with not knowing more about Tears for Fears, but really, was my crime of owning a compilation album so grave that he had to abort the conversation so abruptly?


Editorial said...

In nerd land what you admitted to was akin to saying that your love for the Shins grew from purchasing the Garden State soundtrack.

robyn said...

Ugh. Garden State.
And yet love for other bands have come from other soundtracks, soundtracks of good movies. Which has inspired me to learn more about the bands and then look for more of their music. Though not compilation albums. The nerd was correct in identifying compilation albums as not cool.

I guess indie rockers/nerds (same thing) can be entertainingly predictable sometimes. If I ever find myself in a conversation with an indie rocker that I wish to end by pissing them off, maybe I'll play the compliation album card.