Monday, February 13, 2006

Check, Check, and Check

Today was a productive day. I spent, like, uh, three thousand dollars. Under three thousand dollars. Some of which will come back! In refunds for accidentally purchasing two of what I only needed one! And mail-in rebates!

Today, I:
1) gave Sarah back her red jacket
2) solved my only-own-one-pair-of-decent-pants problem
3) bought a Mac Book Pro, which I'll set eyes on sometime in March.
4) bought a bunch of related Mac-y stuff: keyboard, stand to fight tendonitis, extended warranty, TWO mice (meese?) and two printers. Printer, when I get rid of the other one, will end up being free, and I'm only going to keep one of the meese (mice?) because dual mousing has yet to really catch on.
5) saw Alanis Morrisette. She's dyed her hair back, everyone. Thank god.
6) solved my don't-own-enough-nice-bras problem
7) solved my only-really-own-half-of-a-nice-bathing-suit problem (now I own one and half nice bathing suits)
8) spent some very enjoyable quality time with S. Holmes Lebo, RN.
9) solved my don't-own-purple-shoes problem
10) went through several piles of paper, including but not limited to: my school notebooks whose pages are all stuck together from the soaking they received upon putting my water bottle into my bag with the top unscrewed twice last week. Oooo yeah, you heard me, twice.
11) cut both my fingernails and my toenails
12) listened to an argument on the dark sidewalk outside, no "backfiring cars" involved
13) thought about J-L Godard and yearned to improve my French
14) got a phone call from the boy, satisfied my concern regarding falling into oil wells and other assorted perils
15) finally wrote something on the blog, gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


POTASH said...

uhm clicked on random blog and ended up here. Mmmmmhhhhhhhh.

Editorial said...

On #5 on your list: Thank you India, thank you providence, thank you disillusionment.